Community, Stewardship, Interdependence

Our Mission


The Arizona Community Land Trust (AzCLT) holds and protects land for the larger community: providing long-term access to land for affordable housing, community gardens and agriculture, and other community initiatives while facilitating a deeper community connection and recognition of our mutual interdependence with all Life.

What does a community land trust do?

A community land trust holds and protects land for the larger community. In turn, this allows for deeper community connections and a recognition of mutual interdependence with all Life. Community land trusts are often used for affordable housing, community gardens, agriculture projects and much more. Community land trusts are one of the best ways to protect and preserve community.

Community Gardens

Community gardens work best when the community can build and grow around the garden over the long term. It can take years to build up the soil in a garden, and many community gardens do not own the land they use. A land trust helps community gardens preserve their investment in the land and the community over the long term.

Affordable Housing

How often do we see neighborhoods and communities fractured because of a real estate transaction? A community land trust helps communities stay together by allowing them to create permanently affordable housing. With a community land trust, the community decides the best way to serve the community with the resources it has.

Sustainable Community

When individuals are able to remain geographically near to each other, community thrives. Communities are often displaced because their physical meeting space has been bought, sold or re-leased. A community land trust puts the ownership of the land in the hands of the community, helping to sustain that community over the long run.

Support AzCLT

Do you want to see a future in which we are better connected with one another and with the land? Consider supporting the Arizona Community Land Trust and our mission to make that happen. Membership costs just $10 per year and allows us to continue our work on community land in Arizona. Please consider becoming a member today, and ask us how you can become more involved!

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